Stones in His Pockets is a play by Marie Jones that tells the story of two Irishmen, Charlie Conlon and Jake Quinn, who are hired as extras on a Hollywood film crew that has come to their village to shoot a movie. The play follows the two men as they grapple with the challenges of their daily lives, while also trying to come to terms with their own hopes and dreams.

Charlie is a young man who is full of ambition and dreams of a better life for himself. He is desperate to escape from the small village that he has always known, and he sees the movie crew as his ticket to a new and exciting world. Jake, on the other hand, is an older man who has given up on his dreams and is content to live a simple life. He is skeptical of Charlie's ambition and tries to warn him that it will only lead to disappointment.

As the film crew continues to shoot its movie, Charlie and Jake find themselves drawn into the glamorous world of Hollywood. They meet famous actors and actresses, and they see firsthand how the movie business works. However, they also see the dark side of Hollywood, and they begin to realize that it is not all that it seems.

Charlie, in particular, is disillusioned by his experience. He begins to see that the movie crew is not interested in the lives of the villagers, and that they are only using them as props in their film. He also comes to realize that the actors and actresses that he meets are not as perfect as they seem, and that they have their own problems and insecurities.

As the play progresses, Charlie and Jake must confront their own demons and come to terms with their own lives. They both realize that they must find happiness in the things that they have, rather than in the things that they do not have. In the end, they return to their village as changed men, with a newfound appreciation for the simple things in life.

"Stones in His Pockets is a beautifully written and deeply moving play that explores the universal themes of hope, dreams, and disappointment. It is a play that will stay with you long after you see it."
—The New York Times

Stones in His Pockets is a haunting and thought-provoking play that will stay with you long after you see it. It is a play that is both funny and sad, and it will make you laugh and cry in equal measure. It is a play that will make you appreciate the simple things in life, and it will remind you that it is never too late to change your course in life.